Happy Mothers Day!! {Dallas Motherhood Portrait Photographer}

To the fabulous mamas of little ones,

I see you today, laying in bed, listening to the chaos downstairs as your partner tries to wrangle the kids as quietly as possible to make you a hot mess of a breakfast in bed. It’s loud, and you aren’t really able to sleep in, because that’s just your life and it’s been months and months since you’ve been able to get a solid eight hours of sleep in your own bed. I see you.

I see you when your kids come storming in with your food and their slobbery kisses. Next thing you know, your sheets need to be washed and your kids have stolen half the food on your plate because everyone knows that moms food tastes better than your own food, even when they’re exactly the same.

I see you when you were hoping to have just one day without having to wipe anyone’s butt but your own, but then of course your toddler is all mama-mama-MAMA, and it’s easier to just handle her diaper instead of passing her stinky butt off to your hubby than deal with the subsequent tantrum that would follow.

I see you wandering through the zoo, with your giant double stroller and backpack full of snacks and diapers and sippy cups and loveys and So. Many. Things. You observe the tiny humans that were just a twinkle in your eye a few short years ago, and you marvel at how much life has changed in such a short amount of time. And you’re wondering why you guys thought this would be a good idea because of course taking little ones anywhere is just chaos.

But then you observe the wonder in your toddler’s eyes as the lions march right up to the viewing window where they stand, pacing back and forth, and suddenly all of that lost sleep and excessive laundry seems like the greatest thing that’s ever happened to you because it brought you to this moment. To that giggle, that smile, that hug of excitement.

Because motherhood is challenging, exhausting and magical all wrapped up into one. And then all of those feelings and multiplied exponentially by the number of kids in your household, but you wouldn’t change a thing.

On this Mother’s Day, I encourage you to embrace your chaos, soak it in and capture that love that you hold in your heart for your little ones. Take a selfie with your little ones, ask your partner or a friend to take a photo of you with your babies or if you’re feeling crazy, choose to treat yourself to a professional photo experience and give yourself the gift of a photo session in the coming weeks or months. But whatever you do, find a way to make it in the frame. Your kids will treasure these memories and the images they have together with their mama, both now and long after these days of their babyhood have passed. Motherhood is a gift in and of itself, and it’s one that’s meant to be captured. You won’t regret it.

Happy Mothers Day mama. You’re killing it.



There’s no better day that TODAY to get in the frame with your little ones. Existing in pictures ensures that years from now, your little ones will be able not only to see you in all your beautiful mama glory but feel the way they were loved. When treasured and preserved, photos are a huge part of the legacy you’ll leave your kids. Let’s do this together.